Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate America’s independence and our own freedom, we honor the courageous men and women dedicated to preserving it! Please remember that: “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” ~ Elmer Davis
The CMS is mailing new Medicare cards to protect the safety and security of people with Medicare benefits. Your new Medicare card will no longer contain your Social Security number, but rather a unique, randomly-assigned Medicare number that protects your identity, reduces fraud and offers better safeguards of important health and financial information.
Farmers Market Coupons
Please check with our office staff for details on qualifying for this wonderful program that allows seniors to receive $25.00 to use at the participating summer/fall Farmers Markets.
The Harvard Community Senior Center is working with The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) to become a distribution site for Farmers Market Coupons for qualifying seniors. There are income and age guidelines. These coupons come in a booklet worth $15 – $21 per year to be used at vendors at local Farmers Markets. There is a registration form to be filled out by each Senior that will be returned to the Area Agency on Aging. Each Vendor that accepts these coupons will display a sign stating that they accept WIC and Senior Farmers Market Coupons. This program is provided through the Illinois Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). There are several Markets that accept these coupons in our area including Woodstock, Harvard, and Crystal Lake Farmers Markets.
A Happy Bunch at the Bruchman Lunch!
Phil and Kerry Bruchman hosted a most wonderful lunch for everyone on June 20th! The Bruchman’s were celebrating all June Birthdays here at the Center. We would like to do this every month and will be discussing ways to fund a monthly birthday lunch. Thank you for the inspiration Bruchmans!
PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active Rewarding LiveS)
The Harvard Community Senior Center PEARLS Program is continuing to expand throughout Harvard and surrounding areas.
PEARLS serves individuals over age 60 and individuals of all ages with Epilepsy who suffer from Depression. This is a free, countywide, program led by the Harvard Community Senior Center to provide clinical depression treatment and medication management in the participant’s own home or other comfort setting. The program is evidence based, runs for 19 weeks, and is funded by the McHenry County Mental Health Board, McHenry County Senior Services Commission and a McHenry County Community Development Block Grant.
PEARLS Referrals – Anyone can refer an Older Adult or individual with Epilepsy to the PEARLS program. If you are concerned that someone you know is depressed, call 815-701-6605. A trained social worker will respond and set up an initial assessment.
Walk With Ease®
Thanks to everyone who attended our walking reunion held at Mercyhealth on June 7th. This officially wraps up our winter/spring sessions of Walk With Ease® Program! A meeting will be held on Monday, July 9th from 9-11 at the Senior Center to determine the best way to proceed with the summer sessions and to decide how we will select the “WINNING WALKER” in the next session. That winner will receive a personal fit tracker s a prize . In the meantime, please keep walking and let’s work on recruiting more people to join us in this valuable program!
AARP Driver’s Safety Course
AARP CLASS was attended by
quite a few Seniors who learned
all the latest changes in the “rules
of the road”.
Thanks to LeRoy Gray for another
informative driving session!
Our Yoga class is glowing and growing! Yoga helps to release the stressors that can build-up and brings peace and balance to mind, body and spirit! Dorothy Robin leads the group every Monday from 2-2:45 pm in a wonderful round of strengthening, joint health, and flexibility. One class with Dorothy will leave you wanting more! Thanks to an anonymous donor and the Full Circle Foundation, the class fees are only $2.00 for members and $3.00 for non members. As always, Senior Center Lifetime Members are welcome to participate at no charge.
SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program)
The Senior Health Insurance Program continues with appointments every Monday.
You can schedule for 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00 pm. Please bring your Medicare card, any other medicare supplement (GAP) insurance card, recent notices from your insurance or Medicare, and a list and doses of medication if you would like to discuss your Part D coverage. Call the Senior Center at 815-943-2740 to schedule your appointment with our Counselor, Sharon Smith.
June Jasper Turnes 90
June Jasper treated us to an
awesome cake to celebrate her
90th birthday! We wish to thank
her for her generous donation,
Make and Take
Laura Zaraza of Stampin Up is
here one Monday of every month
(check your calendar) to lead us
in making beautiful hand-made
cards. Anyone can do it! It takes
about an hour. We have excellent
conversations while creating
one-of-a-kind greeting cards.
Please join us!
Art Class…
Don’t miss the next
Watercolor session
July 19th at 1:00 with
Barb Youhn. There
is a $2.00 fee for
Wii Exercise and Games
Join the fun on Thursdays after bingo.We’re looking
for enough people to have a tournament.
Please consider ‘SHOPPING TO SERVE SENIORS on AmazonSmile. You shop exactly as you would on Amazon with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Senior Center. Go to smile.amazon.com, look for “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on the product detail pages. You use your same Amazon account: Look for “Supporting”
Click on the down arrow.
Click on ”Change”
Look for “Pick” and type in
Harvard Senior Community Center.
The Garden

Monday afternoons, in June through the Harvest, come help weed & tend to the Sr. Center garden and partake of the fruits of our labor! Big thank you to Kevin Wood (Woody) for creating the garden critters that add fun and color!
SAC Meeting will be on Wednesday, June 11th After Bingo. All are welcome!
Guess Who Picture Day!
Please bring in a favorite photo of yourself from the years gone past for our “Guess Who This Is” picture day. You will have the opportunity to guess who’s photo is who. Game details yet to be determined.
Our contest prize winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 25th.
Room Rentals
As you plan your 2018 events, parties, and family
functions, remember that the Senior Center can be
rented out on our non-service days. Call 815
943-2740 for details and our current rates. Senior
Center members enjoy discount rental rates
We are doing great with our supplies! Keep our table in mind when you are grocery shopping! Plates, napkins, cups, plastic wear, food items that we can stretch to last such as trial mixes, popcorn, package cookies, water, and any other drink items you are willing to donate are greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all who donate to the regular supply and operation of our Center!
Also, a heart-felt thank you to all our seniors who continually strive to create a joyful and welcoming atmosphere here at the Harvard Community Senior Center. Although we have had our moments of dispute, we always bounce back!!! Thank you for your good-natured spirit that helps us move forward on a positive road for our beloved Center and senior community.
Senior Volunteers & Contributors:
Barb Youhn, Barb Cheek, Peg York, Rose Berglund, Peg Bankson, Deb Marlow, Ruth Greenlee, Beverly Stuyvesant, Dorothy Berry, Kathleen Felice, Ruth Rowe, Verda Blaizer, Mary Lou Collier, Clara Shotliff, Bob Reed, Marilyn Creps, Dan Wirtz, Geri Neff, Bob Bandovich, Daniel Serdar, Chris Zalewski, and Glenda Stewart, Carol Gauger from Websites Done By U, Steve Santeler, Sharon Smith, MCCF, Full Circle Foundation, Carol Waggoner, Justin from X-Tek, Tina Maggnetta, Penny Goad, Nancy and Bob Berkholtz
Looking Ahead, Thoughts & Ideas
Parking Lot Update!
The north parking lot project has made it to the next step and the city will be overseeing the engineering phase and preparing the bid packets to send out to potential contractors. The tentative timeline is for the contract to be awarded in September, construction into October, with a new place to park by early November.
Buy a Brick ( The Senior Advisory Council is sponsoring a Buy A Brick program to help with the Senior Center’s required portion of the parking lot project. The project will cost approximately $70,000, with about $66,000 coming from 2 community development block grants, corporate & community donations, the Food Pantry, and the city of Harvard. We hope to raise several thousand dollars to help with the costs and, any extra funds would be allocated to other facility projects the SAC would recommend to the Board of Directors. Please consider showing your support by buying a 12 x 12 brick with your name that will be installed in the paved area along the walkway/garden path from the new parking lot. More details to follow.
How about a Senior Family Picnic Western Style? We are looking into inviting a local country band to entertain. Will keep you posted.
Pancake Breakfast revival. We are discussing plans to have a pancake, eggs, bacon and sausage breakfast. Stay tuned.
Harvard Ballon Fest begins Friday, August
31st and will go through
Labor Day weekend
Sunday, September
2nd. If you would like to
be sure you are signed up for Volunteer hours
benefitting the Senior Center, please see Glenda to
get your name on the schedule! The volunteer time
slots are 2-3 hours this year.
Corporate Sponsors
Founding Sponsor — The City of Harvard
Diamond Sponsor –Mercy Harvard Hospital, American Family Insurance
*First Presbyterian Church of Harvard
* Harvard Ranch for Seniors
*Grant Resource$, LLC
*First National Bank
A-OK, Inc. Harvard Products, Inc.
Shepherd Premier
*The State Bank Group
Community Giving Leaders –
Full Circle Foundation
Covenant Transtions
KA Fund – Bank of America
Board of Directors
Penny Goad, President
Tina Magnetta, Treasurer
Nancy Berkholtz
Mike Clingingsmith
Kathy Schack
Brenda Gratz
Senior Advisory Council
Bob Reed
Barb Rowe – Chair
Barb Cheek – Recording Secretary
Peggy York
Kathleen Felice as Co-Chairperson
Kathleen Robson
Dorothy Berry
Barb Youhn
Kevin Wood
PEARLS Counselor – Megan Williams
PEARLS Case Manager – Jane Montgomery
Harvard Community Senior Center
6817 Harvard Hills Road, Harvard, IL 60033
Phone: 815.943.2740
Sharon.Smith@harvardseniorcenter.org Sharon Smith, Grant Manager
Glenda.stewart@harvardseniorcenter.org Glenda Steward, Site Manager
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